Registered Devices:
Total emergency calls:
Rethinking emergency communication
DEC112 builds upon modern standards, designing efficient and barrier-free emergency calls. Based on NG112 we already implement next generation emergency calls. today. Speech, video and text are part of modern, standardized and barrier-free emergency call infrastructures.
Since 2019 we've been operating NG112 core services including the text-based DEC112 emergency call in Austria and constantly and actively develop these services. Big parts of our software are available as Open-Source on .
As we focus established standards our emergency solutions are part of international projects and events, like CELESTE, or the ETSI Plugtests.
Innovative emergency solutions for everyone
You operate telecommunication services, develop software for public safety answering points, are an EMS provider or develop IoT-Devices and want to get ready for NG112? With our DEC112 technology stack we support you integrating with NG112 and establish innovative emergency services together.
Emergency app for smartphones
The DEC112 App provides text-based access to control centers (fire department, police, ambulance, mountain rescue, ...) in Austria. Upon activation, the current location is determined, which is used to find the locally responsible control center.
If a data connection is available, first the location and user data are automatically transmitted and then any text message can be transmitted. If no messages follow, the location is automatically sent to the control centre every 20 seconds.
Silent Emergency
Since March 2022 emergency calls can be issued "silently" within the DEC112 app. In situations of acute danger one can send an emergency call to the police without being noticed by surrounders. It's important to keep your address up-to-date within the DEC112 app (including stairway, level, door) for the police to be able to help immediately and without further ado.
Naturally also the silent emergency call transmits personal data and the current position (determined via GPS) to the emergency control centre.
The DEC112 app is available to everyone and is especially useful for deaf and hearing impaired people. You can download it from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store .
Android users who do not have Google Play Services installed can directly download the Android installation package (apk): Android APK Download.
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Emergency core services
In Austria (and other European countries), emergency calls are assigned to a specific control centre on the basis of the originating number. For example, emergency calls (144) from a district in the federal state of Lower Austria are routed to emergency call 144 Lower Austria. Allocation and delivery are carried out in the Austrian telephone network.
Calls from the mobile network or from the internet are a challenge. In the mobile network, the actual location may be in another federal state or in border regions, even in the neighbouring country, and is very likely to be delivered incorrectly. Calls from the internet can, in general, not be assigned to the original number using this method.
The core components, developed as part of the DEC112 initiative, allow allocation and delivery based on actual location. The principle can be applied to any originating network provided that a location can be determined before the connection is established or is announced by the originating network (e.g. Voice over LTE). Assignment and delivery services and their interfaces are specified in TS 103 479 .
PSAP Integration
New technology requires appropriate integration with control center systems.
The main advantage of a standards-based infrastructure is the universally applicable interface. Basically, TS 103 479 and TS 103 698 allow multimedia communication (audio, video and data) in addition to simple text messages.
DEC112 offers different methods of control centre connection, starting with a simple, browser-based user interface or via TS 103 479 control center interface.
Technology and PSAP partners
Thank You!
Die digitale Transformation hat einen unmittelbaren Einfluss auf die grundlegende Bereitstellung von sicheren, mobilen Interaktionen von Menschen zu Staat und umgekehrt bzw. auf die Geschwindigkeit, mit der letztendlich eine Hilfestellung möglich wird.
Die klassische Sprachtelefonie wird in naher Zukunft durch andere Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten ergänzt. Gerade im Bereich der Notrufe ist es für den Staat und dessen Verwaltung wichtig, diese Möglichkeiten rechtzeitig zu erkennen um diese Themenbereiche zu übernehmen und diese Services werbefrei und kostenlos allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, sowie allen Menschen die sich in Österreich aufhalten, zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Mit NG112 wird europaweit an einem interoperablen System gearbeitet, das den verschiedenen Zielgruppen eine bedarfsgerechte Kommunikation mit der Polizei ermöglicht. Ich denke hier vor allem an „DEC112″ aber auch den „Stillen Notruf“.
Siegfried Wallner, MA
Die App DEC112 realisiert das, was gehörlose und schwerhörige Menschen zum Absetzen eines Notrufs brauchen: barrierefreie Kommunikation mit der Leitstelle.
Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass das Notruf-System zu einem Total-Conversations-Dienst inklusive Gebärdensprachvideo weiter ausgebaut und von der Politik gefördert wird.
Helene Jarmer
Der WITAF-Seit 1865 im Dienste der Gehörlosen war als Gehörlosenverein und Interessensvertretung vom Engagement und dem Einfallsreichtum des Teams hinter DEC112 jeher begeistert!
Die innovative App-Lösung für barrierefreie Kommunikation im Notrufsektor stellt für Gehörlose eine enorme Weiterentwicklung dar! Da viele Menschen von diesem Tool profitieren können ist es ein Vorzeigemodell dafür, dass Barrierefreiheit für alle Mitglieder unserer Gesellschaft einen Mehrwert hat.
Mag.a Eva Theresa Böhm
DEC112 would not be possible without the support of our partners Notruf Niederösterreich, RFL Vorarlberg, Leitstelle Tirol and the Ministry of the Interior, who handle all DEC112 emergency calls in Austria. Thus establishing adequate emergency services for everyone in Austria.
DEC112 has received funding from Netidee in 2017 (Call #12), 2019 (Call #14) und 2022 (Call #17) as well as from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under THE NGI TRUST Grant Agreement No. 825618.
Emergency Calls:
Test Calls:
Registered Devices:
Statistics since
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Note regarding statistics: Due to security reasons silent emergency calls are not visualized explicitly.