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The already existing DEC112 system (which is compliant to ETSI-Standards TS 103 479 and TS 103 698 ) allows integration of other partners at any time. Depending on the PSAP software, there are different variations of integration.

We are happy to assist during integration into the DEC112 system and are also available for development requests. For further information, please contact us at

Integration via ETSI standards

An integration that is compliant to ETSI standards ensures the most comprehensive integration of all DEC112 services in already existing PSAPs. All necessary interfaces are defined in specifications TS 103 479 and TS 103 698 and provide signaling and processing for IP based emergency calls.

For easy integration there is the ng112-js SDK available.

Ablauf eines Notrufs nach TS 103 479
Sequence of an emergency call according to TS 103 479

Integration via web-trigger

DEC112 offers an own PSAP service (DEC112 Border) which is able to communicate with all standardized core services. This enables the connection of already existing PSAPs that are not yet compatible to ETSI standards.

The PSAP must provide a web interface, which is able to process incoming emergency calls (personal data, geo-information). The DEC112 Border is can support different data formats (JSON, XML, proprietary).

The DEC112 Border will send indicate incoming emergency calls and (in addition to signaling data) provides a web url that redirects to the DEC112 Viewer. Using the DEC112 Viewer, chat messages can be sent and received and geo-information and personal information of the calling person can be viewed.

Ablauf eines Notrufs via Web-Trigger
Sequence of an emergency call via web-trigger
DEC112 Viewer Webapplikation
DEC112 Viewer web application

Web-based integration

If there is no possibility of integrating into DEC112 systems using standardized interfaces or web triggers, the DEC112 viewer can be used as a stand-alone browser application, providing emergency chat functionality. Hereto DEC112 viewer is run in a browser window notify the user about any incoming emergency calls audiovisually.

The only difference to trigger-based integration is the lack of automatic data transfer into already existing PSAP software. However, the DEC112 Viewer features integrated copy-paste functionality that simplifies manual data transfer.

Ablauf eines Notrufs via webbasierter Integration
Sequence of an emergency call via web-based integration